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Exploring the History of Black Friday

When it comes to Thanksgiving traditions, Black Friday shopping has long been part of the festivities. However, its origins are rooted in a darker history. Let's delve into its true story and examine its transition from financial catastrophe to consumerist phenomenon.

Contrary to popular belief, Black Friday did not originate from post-Thanksgiving shopping sprees, but rather from a financial calamity in the US gold market on September 24th, 1869. Wall Street titans Jay Gould and Jim Fisk devised an elaborate scheme to manipulate gold prices, leading to catastrophic crashes and widespread bankruptcy across their industry.

Myth of Getting into the Black: 

A popularly propagated myth about Black Friday suggests it stems from retailers transitioning from operating at a loss ("in the red") to making a profit ("in the black") after Thanksgiving sales. While retailers do use such accounting terms, this narrative is more fiction than fact.

Historical Context: 

Philadelphia became synonymous with Black Friday during the 1950s due to crowds converging for Army-Navy football games on Thanksgiving. Law enforcement struggled to maintain order among rampant shoplifting and traffic congestion on Black Fridays.

Evolution of Black Friday: 

Despite attempts to rebrand Black Friday as "Big Friday" to shed its negative connotations, its rise to national popularity began only during the 1980s. Retailers took this opportunity to redefine Black Friday as a positive event and mark "red to black" day as when their profits skyrocketed.

Expanding Beyond Black Friday: 

Over time, Black Friday has expanded beyond being just one day retailers offer tempting discounts and promotions over multiple days to encourage consumers to make Black Friday weekend an epic shopping experience.

Looking Ahead:

With Black Friday continuing its evolution, it is crucial that we assess its roots and implications. Understanding its history enhances our appreciation of this cultural phenomenon.


Black Friday's journey from financial disaster to consumerist spectacle showcases the dynamic relationship between commerce, culture, and history. By uncovering its true roots, we gain insight into what shapes modern holiday traditions. When shopping this season, let's remember past lessons for a more informed holiday shopping experience!


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